The Goldfields Rehabilitation Services Inc. (GRSI) has been providing alcohol and other drug rehabilitation services within the Goldfields since 1977, and on Friday 20 October officially opened its new Rehabilitation Building. The project is part of the ‘Growing the capacity of drug and alcohol detoxification and rehabilitation’ project in the Goldfields-Esperance region, with $2.7 million funded from the State Government’s Royalties for Regions scheme.
The construction of a new facility and the refurbishment of the existing facility, aims to address the current demand for rehabilitation services in Kalgoorlie-Boulder and surrounding centres. The new building will have an increased capacity, from seven to eighteen beds, accommodating more residential participants. The property at 11 Porter Street, where the previous operations were located, will be refurbished to provide purpose built Sexual Assault Counselling Support facilities.
The investment of Royalties for Regions funds will ensure residents in the Goldfields-Esperance region are not forced to travel interstate, to Perth and/or other regional areas to access quality services.
For more information regarding the services offered by the Goldfields Rehabilitation Services please visit their website or call 08 9021 4732.