Early Childhood Education and Care Sector events

Early Childhood Education and Care Sector events

During 2022 and in response to increasing workforce challenges reported by our region’s Early Childhood Education & Care (ECEC) providers and ongoing pressures on childcare availability, the Goldfields-Esperance Development Commission (GEDC) commissioned a report to help identify and examine local actions and initiatives that may assist in improving ECEC sector staff attraction and retention in the Goldfields-Esperance region.

Findings from the report were presented and discussed at workshop events in both Kalgoorlie-Boulder and Esperance this week, which saw combined attendance from over 30 local ECEC sector representatives and key regional stakeholders and agencies.

In the spirit of collaboration, the GEDC was delighted to host the events with a number of partner agencies including Child Australia Thriving Futures, Central Regional TAFE and the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder at the Kalgoorlie event, and Community Skills WA and South Regional TAFE at the Esperance event.

Robust conversations and a solution-focused approach led to meaningful engagement across both workshops. The GEDC looks forward to continuing to work with our local sector, and key stakeholders, as we progress implementation of actions from the report.

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