Goldfields- Esperance Major Projects Conference

Goldfields- Esperance Major Projects Conference

The Goldfields – Esperance Major Projects Conference will be held on 21-22 September 2022 at the Perth Hyatt Regency Hotel, covering major projects and organisations important to the region’s growth and development.

A host of keynote speakers have been assembled and will cover key topics including the current outlook for the region; strategic development, investments and emerging industries driving economic growth; Native Title and community engagement; renewable energy and decarbonization; and case studies on the latest major projects in the resources sector.

With a GRP of $10.64 billion, the region is a major contributor to the State’s economy and the conference will be a great opportunity to gain a further understanding of the current and future projects driving our region's growth.
To register for the event please click on this link: Goldfields – Esperance Major Projects 2022

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