Goldfields Migrant Employment Project to continue

Goldfields Migrant Employment Project to continue

The Goldfields Migrant Employment Project was a pilot program funded through the first round of the Regional Economic Development (RED) grants program, and has successfully relocated and connected 50 Perth-based migrants into work in the Goldfields. At an event in Boulder on 27 November 2020, Minister for Regional Development Hon. Alannah MacTiernan MLC, announced an additional $300,000 to continue the program for another two years.

"Between the increased mining activity and State Government projects coming online, the Goldfields-Esperance region is experiencing a high demand for labour in most sectors. This program has been an innovative and very successful way to bring migrants based in Perth to a new life in the Goldfields" commented Minister MacTiernan.

To read the Minister's statement, visit: New funding to expand Goldfields migrant employment program.

Jobseekers and employers are encouraged to contact the Goldfields Community Legal Centre to be involved in the Goldfields Migrant Employment Project: Goldfields Migrant Employment Project webpage.

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