Kai Rho Contracting is one of three successful Goldfields-Esperance projects that received Regional Economic Development (RED) Grant funding as part of the State Government’s Round 6 REDs Grant program. The company has received a $235,000 grant to purchase a dual cab grader for civil projects and the training of new grader operators in the region. The new equipment will build the skills and experience of a locally based workforce to meet growing road network needs, create more jobs, as well as encourage Aboriginal skills development and procurement opportunities.
Kai Rho Director, Rowena Leslie, said “The State, Main Roads WA and industry all have Aboriginal engagement targets (Aboriginal business spend and employee hours). Thanks to the REDS Grant, the real time training that Kai Rho Contracting will be able to deliver, will meet the needs of industry both in the supply of skilled grader operators, as well as its Aboriginal engagement targets.”
“There is a need for skilled grader operators in the civil construction industry in the regions, with this project providing benefits to the wider industry will a supply of local skilled operators. Grader operators are often mobilised from far away at great expense and at times with limited availability- being local makes a big difference.”
GEDC Chairperson, Terrence Winner, said the project will support the development of a locally based workforce to deliver services, maintenance and infrastructure projects, which is critically needed.
“This project will increase the number of skilled operators for the civil construction industry to support projects such as Outback Highway and Wiluna to Meekatharra Road. Use of the new dual cab grader for on-the-job training will upskill existing and new Aboriginal employees and provide locally trained grader operators”.
The REDs Grant program is a State Government initiative that invests in local projects to stimulate economic growth and development in regional Western Australia. Round 6 successful recipients were announced by the Minister for Regional Development, the Hon Don Punch, on Wednesday 1 November 2023 in Kalgoorlie-Boulder.