Seed and Nursery Industry Forum

Seed and Nursery Industry Forum

On 9 September, GEDC staff attended the Seed and Nursery Industry Forum for Aboriginal organisations at Bilya Koort Boodja (River Heart Country) in Northam, coordinated by DPIRD and the Wheatbelt Development Commission.
The Hon. Alannah MacTiernan, Minister for Regional Development; Agriculture and Food; Hydrogen Industry, was joined by numerous experts in the native seed and seedling supply development field, including several scientists and researchers, to help share knowledge and grow this sector.
Topics covered included opportunities for new Aboriginal businesses and Aboriginal-led restoration of country, pathways to nursery accreditation, best practice for seed collection, seed quality testing and seed storage.
With demand for native seeds and seedlings currently on a path to exceeding existing supply capacity, discussion centred around use for carbon farming initiatives, mine site restoration and socio-economic benefits through health and well-being outcomes, derived from on-country healing and knowledge programs.

Staff also attended the Boola Barnap Tree Nursery tour on the outskirts of Northam to visit a leading WA native seed nursery and to hear from staff about their challenges and successes to date.

Image Credit: DPIRD

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