Our Priorities

Our Priorities

The GEDC is uniquely positioned to understand the diverse needs and challenges experienced by communities across the region and advocate for place-based, innovative solutions.

Our Priorities

Partnering for Regional Development in WA

The GEDC works across a wide range of issues, opportunities and investment within these focus areas working with other State Government, Australian Government and local governments, business and industry, and the community. As a regionally based agency, we facilitate a pathway into Government for stakeholder in the region.

GEDC has a strategic plan which is updated every two years to guide the focus of the agency in line with regional needs.

Our Focus

The GEDC’s portfolio has five areas of focus that respond to regional needs and align with Government priorities and the legislative framework. These areas are:


Regional Liveability

Enhancing quality of life through improved infrastructure and amenities.


Organisational Excellence

Maintaining high standards of governance and continuous improvement.


Aboriginal Empowerment and Prosperity

Supporting cultural identity and economic prosperity.


Climate Resilience and Low Carbon Transition

Building resilience and promoting sustainability.


Economic Development, Diversification, and Innovation

Stimulating growth, diversifying industries, and fostering innovation.

Our Priorities

Our Focus for 2024-25

GEDC manages a number of core programs and major projects each year as well as recurring activities that support the regional community and the priorities of Government. Stakeholders are able to meet regularly with the GEDC to raise emerging issues and opportunities at any time.

The GEDC also develops business cases for regional projects and initiatives and supports other organisations in the region to develop and progress projects and business cases for funding.

We also work with industry and government on new projects, developments and sensitive issues, such as the impacts of mine closures on communities, and often help facilitate relationships and referrals to support the progression of important regional projects, issues or opportunities.

A snapshot of GEDC priorities for 2024-25

  • Kalgoorlie Rail Realignment Project – Business Case
  • Goldfields-Esperance Regional Drought Resilience Plan
  • Supporting local providers with Early Childhood Education and Care training and development programs
  • Delivery of Regional Economic Development Grants
  • Chairing the Goldfields Strategic Industrial Lands Forum
  • Chairing the Goldfields-Esperance Housing and Land Forum
  • Engagement on industrial land and housing and residential land development
  • Outback Way socio-economic assessment
  • Increasing local content for government contracts and tenders
  • Supporting Aboriginal business capability building and employment initiatives
  • Supporting local workforce development initiatives
  • Arts and culture forum
  • Hosting regional events such as State Government budget breakfasts, regional visits and grants workshops
  • Partnering with stakeholders to support business and industry events and forums
  • Supporting the community with high-quality information and data about the region such as economic statistics and modelling
  • Representing the region’s interests at a range of government and industry meetings and forums
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