Goldfields-Esperance Local Content
Diversifying the region’s economic base
The GEDC is committed to fostering business growth and entrepreneurship, and maximising local job opportunities. As a foundation partner for the G.E. Business Register, the GEDC facilitates connections between businesses and local opportunities. The register provides direct access to businesses operating in the region, encouraging local businesses to list their services to connect with industry and major projects.
To assist businesses and government to connect with local business owners, the GEDC is a foundation partner for the G.E. Business Register which provides direct access to business operating from the region. Local businesses are encouraged to list their business on the register to connect with industry and major projects in the region.
Local Content Program
To support this focus, the State Government has launched a Local Content Program to maximise the participation of regional industry in regional supply or works contracting opportunities. Recognising that it can often be challenging for businesses to access and engage as a supplier, Local Content Advisers have been appointed in each Regional Development Commission to take a lead role in promoting supply opportunities and facilitating regional business capability and growth.
Your Goldfields-Esperance Local Content Adviser can assist with:
- Understanding how to sell to Government
- Find assistance to build supply chain capability and capacity
- Identify upcoming government supply opportunities
- Identify State and Federal Government financial assistance programs
- Understand your rights and responsibilities under the Western Australian Jobs Act 2017 and the Western Australian Industry Participation Strategy
- Facilitate connecting head contractors with subcontractors
- Participate in productivity and business capability activities
For more information on Local Content or on how your business can be supported through this initiative, please contact us on (08) 9080 5009 or via email at localcontent@gedc.wa.gov.au.
The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Devleopment (DPIRD) also work with the Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation (JTSI) to provide the WA Industry Link portal.
Tender Opportunities
Local Government Tenders
Most Local Governments in the GEDC region use an electronic procurement and tendering website called Tenderlink. To use this system and to access the tenders, suppliers must register with Tenderlink.
Please visit the Local Government’s websites to view current local tenders:
State Government Tenders
Tenders WA is the central online source of information on Western Australian public sector tenders and awarded contracts.
To be ready for future tenders, scroll through the Early Tender Advice (ETA) list below:
Federal Government Tenders
AusTender provides a database of Australian Government business opportunities, annual procurement plans, multi-use lists and contracts awarded.
Job Opportunities
Local Government Jobs
Our Region includes nine different local governments, offering government positions in a variety of different industries and roles.
Please visit the local government’s website to view employment opportunities in your area:
WA State Government Jobs
There are more than 100 departments and agencies in the Western Australian public sector, ranging in size from just a few people in a single office to thousands of employees across the state. You can access these job vacancies through the WA Jobs portal.
Federal Government Jobs
The APSjobs (Australian Public Service) website offers access to current vacancies available in the APS, the Parliamentary Serivce and many other Australian Government agencies. APSjobs pulishes vacnacies every weekday, in a range of job categories, from entry level positions through to senior leadership roles.
The website also enables you to set up an ‘Email Me Jobs’ function, setting up your job search criteria to receive an email with details of your first 50 job advertisements that matches your search.