Goldfields Women’s Refuge Unveils Upgrades

Goldfields Women’s Refuge Unveils Upgrades

GEDC staff recently attended the Goldfields Women’s Refuge morning tea, held to unveil its newly installed playground.


The nature-inspired play space will provide a safe, enjoyable area for people to use while accessing services at the Women’s Refuge.


The Kalgoorlie-Boulder based refuge provides crisis accommodation and support services for women and children escaping domestic violence. 


The State Government committed $65,000 in funding towards the nature playground and the purchase of new furniture to update the communal kitchen, outdoor space and kids’ activity rooms.


The nature playground was also jointly funded by the Goldfields Women’s Refuge, City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder and Aurizon, and assistance with demolition from volunteers from the Rotary Clubs of Hannans and Boulder.

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