Business Community Converge in Esperance

Business Community Converge in Esperance

Local businesses and organisations from across the region and WA came together last week at the inaugural Converge Esperance business and industry conference.

This new initiative, led by the Esperance Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ECCI) in partnership with the GEDC, brought local business, industry leaders and the community together, to share and connect on business and major project opportunities for the year ahead.

Over 150 delegates from within and outside the region attended the full day conference to hear inspirational speakers, industry briefings, and attend complementary business development workshops and networking forums.

The Converge team worked with over 20 local businesses to deliver the events at venues across Esperance and Ravensthorpe over three days.

GEDC was delighted to partner with the ECCI to deliver this new event and thanks all speakers, businesses, sponsors and delegates who supported Converge 2024, and made it an exceptional celebration of south coast trade and industry opportunity.

Converge Esperance will become an annual business and industry event, with the next conference planned for mid-year 2025. Contact the ECCI or GEDC to register your interest for Converge 2025.


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