Northern Native Seeds Initiative
Growing Seeds for a Greener Future
Preserving Biodiversity in Western Australia
The Northern Native Seed Industry Development Initiative (NNSIDI) will support the creation of new and innovative seed production enterprises throughout the Pilbara, Goldfields Esperance, and the Kimberley. The native seed industry has potential to be a viable alternative to the current practice of wild harvesting.
Mining companies require vast quantities of native seed to meet their post-closure revegetation obligations and their demand for native seed is outstripping supply. As a result, remnant plant communities are coming under increasing pressure. Seed Production Areas (SPAs) can play a role in meeting this shortfall and boost economic development throughout regional Western Australia.
Biodiversity is crucial for maintaining the health of our country. It encompasses living soils, vital habitats, food sources, and natural beauty. As stewards of our environment, it is our responsibility to invest in preserving and enhancing biodiversity across Western Australia.

Seed Production Area (SPA) Trial Sites
Funded by $4.4 million through the NNSIDI, SPA trial sites will be established in the Pilbara, Kimberley, and Goldfields-Esperance regions. These sites will serve as models for future SPAs, providing training and building long-term business capacity. The initiative aims to prioritize Aboriginal-operated SPAs established on country.

- To develop native seed production trial sites across the Pilbara, Kimberley and Goldfields-Esperance
- Create sustainable jobs and businesses for Traditional Owner groups
- Build the foundations for a large-scale seed supply industry
- Support complimentary business opportunities around native seed production (distribution, marketing, supply chains, training and education)
- Identify business opportunities beyond the resource sector (wholesale, retail, bush food and medicine, tourism, cut flowers, urban revegetation projects)
Northern Native Seed Grant recipients announced – 15 October 2024
The Goldfields-Esperance Development Commission is pleased to announce the six successful Northern Native Seed Grant recipients:
- Mantjiltjarra Yulparirra
- MN Development Corporation
- Budadee Aboriginal Corporation
- Guma Wagagu Australia
- Bidan Aboriginal Corporation
- Mibala Burru
These NNSIDI trial sites will play an important role in growing a restoration industry network. This network will unlock new opportunities for innovative seed collection, storage, treatment and testing operations as well as providing existing native seed industry players access to new markets and supply chains.

Interested in our program?
For more information or to discuss how you can get involved, please contact Northern Native Seeds Project Manager Joseph Mann at the Pilbara Development Commission on 0499 077 559 or email joseph.mann@pdc.wa.gov.au