GEDC supports Early Childhood Education and Care Professions

GEDC supports Early Childhood Education and Care Professions
CommunityDevelopmentRegional LiveabilityWorkforce and Skills

The GEDC supported a series of joint Professional Development sessions for Goldfields Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) workers in July.  

Funded and Coordinated by the GEDC, the sessions saw over 75 ECEC professionals from across the Goldfields participate in training provided by Perth based provider Behaviour Tonics. The week of professional development workshops included positive behaviour management training, complemented by a further Masterclass later in the week.  Additional site visits and in-centre training was also held in Leonora, Leinster and Kambalda.  

Over the course of this year, the GEDC has provided a total of 60 hours of funded professional development to the sector in both Kalgoorlie and Esperance.GEDC recognises the importance of the Early Childhood Education and Care sector in supporting families and enhancing liveability, through the provision of quality childcare options.  

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