Goldfields Food Community Project Launch

Goldfields Food Community Project Launch

Are you interested in local food production or access to healthy and fresh food? If so, come along to the Goldfields Food Community launch.

The ‘Food Community Project’ developed as a pilot through Edith Cowan University (ECU), utilises locally led approaches and systems to support food security at the community level.

Food security occurs when people have physical, social and economic access to healthy and affordable food in enough quantities, and of good quality, to meet their needs.

The GEDC has been supporting ECU in exploring and potentially establishing a Goldfields Food Community Project.

Commencing at 10:00 am to 12:00pm at the Goldfields Art Centre on 18 November 2022, the launch will include:

  • Workshopping attendees' vision of a food secure Goldfields region
  • What the organisers hope to achieve with the Goldfields Food Community project
  • Why this project is relevant for government and non-government organisations' work
  • Opportunities to get involved.

To attend please RSVP click here.

For more information about the Food Community Project click here.

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