Grants for Goldfields-Esperance Regional Childcare Worker initiatives

Grants for Goldfields-Esperance Regional Childcare Worker initiatives

The GEDC welcomes the announcement of State Government funding for initiatives supporting the retention and attraction of regional childcare workers in the Goldfields-Esperance region.

During 2024, the GEDC worked collaboratively with local stakeholders and Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) centres and educators, to deliver a range of ECEC workforce initiatives.

Grants have been awarded to the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder for an Early Childhood Education and Care Educator Awards Program and to the Shire of Esperance for a Esperance – Ravensthorpe professional development series during 2025.

An ECEC action plan developed by the GEDC with stakeholders across the region, highlighted the need for retention and attraction incentives to maintain and build the ECEC educator workforce in the region, to ensure the sustainability of services, bolster the number of places available and support parents returning to the workforce.

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