Largest hybrid renewable microgrid opens

Largest hybrid renewable microgrid opens

GEDC Board Chair Sabina Shugg joined colleagues from Curtin University on a visit to Australia’s largest hybrid renewable microgrid, which was recently opened by Hon. Bill Johnston, the Minister for Mines and Petroleum and Energy.
Owned and operated by EDL at the Gold Fields Agnew Gold Mine near Leinster in the Northern Goldfields, the 56MW microgrid will power the mine site with up to 60 per cent renewable energy supply, higher in favourable conditions.
Ms Shugg said: "It is fabulous to have this significant project located in the region, showcasing the renewable energy and mining sector and leading the way into the future."
The microgrid is the first in Australia to power a mine site and comprises five 110-metre wind turbines, a solar farm with over 10,000 panels and an off-grid gas/diesel power plant.

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