Positive Outlook at Kalgoorlie’s What’s Down the Track Forum

Positive Outlook at Kalgoorlie’s What’s Down the Track Forum
Economic Development

The 24th annual KBCCI What’s Down the Track Forum was held last month in Kalgoorlie-Boulder, attended by a diverse range of speakers and stakeholders, to share plans and opportunities for the future of the Goldfields region.  

The GEDC CEO, Kris Starcevich, presented an overview of our key initiatives this year including water security and drought resilience, Kalgoorlie-Boulder Rail Re-alignment Project, Northern Native Seed Industry Development Initiative, early childhood and care programs and economic development investment through the REDs grant program. 

 Consultants and GEDC staff leading the Kalgoorlie-Boulder Rail Re-alignment Project were at the event to engage with local stakeholders about this important regional rail and freight infrastructure project.  

 Speakers shared their forecasts on economic investment and development opportunities in the region, which is expected to grow steadily across many sectors.  

 The GEDC will continue to focus on regional coordination and collaboration with a range of stakeholders to ensure the region is well placed to accommodate new economic and community opportunities. 

 Congratulations to the Kalgoorlie-Boulder Chamber of Commerce and Industry team for another successful event. 

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