Screenwest and GEDC celebrate creative success

Screenwest and GEDC celebrate creative success

The GEDC joined representatives from the nine Regional Development Commissions across Western Australia to attend Screenwest's end of year celebrations to acknowledge the collaboration between the agencies to drive economic outcomes in the regions through film, television and media production.
Screenwest is Western Australia’s not-for-profit screen funding organisation, supporting the development and production of film, television, and interactive projects in WA.
The Goldfields-Esperance region has recently been featured in several Screenwest productions, including Jaimen Hudson: From Sky to Sea and Aussie Gold Hunters, with several films and TV series in production right now such as the ABC’s Mystery Road series.
For more information about the Goldfields-Esperance region’s film friendly initiatives and support available through the GEDC, visit Film Friendly | GEDC.

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