Along with 31 other regional visitor centres, the Kalgoorlie-Boulder Visitor Centre and the Shire of Esperance Visitor Centre will receive a boost through the Regional Visitor Centre Sustainability Grant Program. Providing $4.2 million over four years, the program will enable regional visitor centres to transition towards financial sustainability.
Projects supported include a new fit-out and touch screen technology at the Bunbury Visitor Centre; development of a new website for the Derby Tourist Bureau; website development, IT upgrades and new signage at the Kalgoorlie Boulder Tourist Centre; and development of a business plan and training at the Geraldton Visitor Centre.
Since the launch of the scheme, more than 100 grants have been provided to regional visitor centres across WA, helping to boost tourism and employment.
"Regional visitor centres provide important local knowledge for visitors to WA, whose spending generates job opportunities for local people” commented Minister for Regional Development, Hon Alannah MacTiernan MLC.
For more information including a list of the successful 2017-18 funding recipients, visit