Goldfields-Esperance Major Projects Conference

Goldfields-Esperance Major Projects Conference

The region’s role as an economic powerhouse was centre stage this week at the 2023 Goldfields-Esperance Major Projects Conference. Industry and business leaders gathered to look at the way in which growth and development in the region is being driven through innovation and collaboration.

More than 35 speakers across industry and government updated the audience over two days on the key trends and opportunities in Goldfields-Esperance, with Regional Development Minister Don Punch delivering the keynote speech. GEDC CEO Kris Starcevich joined Peter Bednall from Tjaltjraak Native Title Aboriginal Corporation and Chamber of Minerals and Energy Chief Economist Tim Marney for a panel session on creating investment and regional development opportunities. According to the panel, collaboration and partnerships are key to realising social and economic benefits for our region and its communities.

Other areas of focus included the pathway to net zero, skilling the workforce for the future and a look at the major projects across the region.

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